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Education in Faith

Education in Faith

For the primary school child, 'Education in Faith' takes place in a number of environments.

They are your Family, the School and the Parish.

  • In the family, the child learns to LIVE his/her faith.
  • In school, the child learns to KNOW his/her faith.
  • In the parish the child learns to CELEBRATE his/her faith.

These three environments work hand-in-hand in promoting the overall faith growth of your child.

Religious Education Program

The Religious Life of our Catholic school aims to nurture and enrich the religious and spiritual development of students. We have a strong focus on guiding students to live the school motto "Love God. Love each other”. Prayer, liturgy and Christian meditation are part of our everyday school life.  School and class Masses and prayer liturgies are held throughout the year and families are encouraged to be actively involved in all prayer and liturgical celebrations.

Deeper learning about the Catholic faith and the gospel values occurs through the Religion curriculum. This is divided into the four strands: Sacred Texts, Church, Christian Life and Beliefs. "The overarching focus of curriculum in Catholic schools is to empower learners to enrich the quality of life in the community by living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ" (TCEO Learning and Teaching Framework, 2015-19, p2).The Learning Area of Religion is taught by all class teachers from Prep to Year 6 for 2.5 hours a week.

St Joseph's School actively supports and assists with the sacramental programs initiated by the Mary Help of Christians Parish.